Getting Started



Therapy session occur primarily in the clinic in Daylesford. Periodic home and school/kinder visits are also helpful to ensure a holistic view of the child and support collaboration and skill development in the child’s every day settings.




Initial assessment involves:


  • Gaining your thoughts and insights as parents/caregivers through questionnaire and discussion.
  • Getting to know your child through informal observations, play based activities and motor assessment/s.
  • Development of goals and a therapy plan that reflects the needs of your child and that suits your family.


Therapy sessions may involve:


  • Individual therapy sessions. Frequency of sessions will depend on client goals, intervention focus and family preference.
  • Ideas for carry-over activities at home.
  • Parent sessions to identify specific functional goals through discussion of a typical day or part day (routines-based interview).
  • Parent sessions to review goals, provide education, or brainstorm strategies for specific goal areas.
  • Visits to and consultation with educators at childcare, kindergarten or school.
  • Home programs where families prefer or where there are limited sessions available. This would include training and ongoing consultation via email, phone or video calls.
  • Collaboration with team members where appropriate such as paediatricians, other therapists, other family members and teachers.



Funding options

Cornerstone OT for Kids can provide therapy under the following programs.


NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme):

Cornerstone OT for Kids is an NDIS provider for children up to 15 years of age. Cornerstone can provide therapy to clients whose NDIS plan is either plan-managed or self-managed.

Children with a range of diagnosed developmental conditions may be eligible for the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme).  You can check the eligibility criteria by typing “is my child eligible for the NDIS” in your search engine or by calling 1800 800 110. Contact me if you need further information or support.

Chronic Disease Management Plan:

Most families are able to access a Chronic Disease Management plan (formerly known as Enhanced Primary Care or EPC) through their General Practitioner.  Make a time with your GP and explain that you are seeking occupational therapy to address your child’s developmental delays.  Cornerstone OT for Kids is a registered provider under the Chronic Disease Management Plan.  This will entitle you to receive partial reimbursement from Medicare for up to 5 occupational therapy sessions in one calendar year (Jan-Dec).  Please note:  Cornerstone OT for Kids is not registered under the Mental Health Care Plan.

Private Health Fund:

Claiming from a private health fund will depend on your personal cover.  If you are unsure of your extras, call your private health insurance provider and ask if your child is covered for occupational therapy.